Customer Testimonials

"Medicaid Assist has been wonderful in assisting in the Medicaid process.  All of the staff especially “Bonnie” are wonderful, pleasant, and helpful in always assisting me with all my questions.  They made it very easy to understand the process and did most of the work.  I don’t know what we would have done without them."  –Viki, Dunnellon, FL


"Thank you all for everything! What a difficult situation we had to deal with but you made it possible to get my mom and dad taken care of properly."  –Anthony, Jacksonville, FL


"Thank you for the professional handling of my mother’s case by everyone at Medicaid Assist.  The Medicaid was approved within days.  The staff was so patient with my many questions and mistakes.  They were a sea of calm during a very rocky period in my family’s life."

–Bernadette, Middleburg, FL


"When I first met with Leticia, I felt a huge weight lifted.  Being thrust into the role of having to make financial, as well as, health decisions was frightening and in Medicaid Assist I found someone to advise me, listen to my concerns and really care about my family and me.  I don’t feel alone now in dealing with everything.  I know a have a friend at Medicaid Assist who is just a phone call or email away."

–Linda Smith, Palm Harbor, FL


"Medicaid Assist has been very helpful in getting my mom on Medicaid.  It was a long process and the staff was efficient, supportive, and positive.  They explained the process on a step by step basis, and in a very clear and concise manner.  My mom and I were so pleased with their service."

–Nancyanne, New Port Richey, FL

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